Cookie Policy

A “Cookie” or tracker is an electronic file stored onto a terminal (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.). This file collects data related to website browsing, email reading, mobile application or software uploading regardless of the type of devices. (source:

As you browse on this website, “cookies” from the company responsible for the website/or third-party companies may be stored onto your device.

These cookies can only be consulted or modified by the company sending them. They have a legal lifespan of 13 months.

Using Cookies

B2B Growth / MLG Consulting uses cookies managed by third-party partner companies (Google).

These cookies enable us to guarantee website operation and security, save visitors’ preferences, and enhance their experience or even customise it.

We use cookies pertaining to the website’s “essential” functions:

These cookies cannot be avoided for the website to operate properly, and they allow you to fully benefit from all the functionalities. These cookies do not require your consent prior to be used. This is the case, for example, for the cookie that allows us to save your cookie preferences.

We use cookies pertaining to the website’s performance:

These cookies allow us to measure, detect navigation problems, optimize technical performance etc… so as to better understand how you consult our content and use our services. Our goal is to enhance your website experience as much as possible. Some of these cookies are considered as essential for the website to operate. Therefore, they are not subject to your prior consent.

We use cookies related to advertising:

These cookies allow us to provide you with personalized advertising and commercial offers depending on:

  • The context in which the advertising is displayed which, in real time, implies gathering information on the content that you consult.
  • The pages and websites that you may have consulted during your recent browsing or before visiting our website.

The circulation and effectiveness of such personalized advertising are measured. The ultimate objective is to understand and respond to your preferences.

We do not supply any personal information to third-party advertisers who post our advertising and/or content on the basis of your preferences/areas of interest.

Lastly, we use social media share cookies:

On some pages of the website, you may see third-party social media tabs that allow you to use the functions of those media and, in particular, to share the content found on the website with other people.

The chatbot identifies you in order to save a history of your interactions with our consultants.

Managing Cookies

You may modify your initial choice by deactivate cookies. Click HERE and follow the instructions.